What a ride, you guys... How's it going, really? I could imagine, but feedback is always nice to hear from you also. Make sure to leave a comment after you're done reading, so I can see how everybody's been! But, man, I had a wild summer and school year so far. To even be able to tell the rest of this story with fact and truth is beyond what I had ever thought I could speak about in my whole life. What you all are probably wondering the worst, though, is why the hell I've been gone so long?! I think I should just discuss each time period separately.
JULY & AUGUST: We basically got the house finished, and started to move in. At the time, that was very exciting for me because I had the idea that I would be able to get a lot more done in my own space and time-frame. I managed to get some art close to finished, but it's literally so close to being finished that it's just bad luck it's not on here right now. Please, just bare with me for the time being and understand that I'm trying to sort some stuff out.
I got to spend roughly 2 months with my siblings, also! As you guys may already know, this was a pretty big deal because of the situation that happened at right around the end of last year. We never get to see them, and to have that time with them was very humbling to say the least. They came down here from Montana, and we had nothing but an absolutely fantastic time while they were still with us! I certainly learned a lot more from my little brothers and sisters than I ever had in my whole life. heh
By the end of the kid's visit with us, we took a week and a half long road trip. Only the people on my personal Facebook would know any of the details, but to explain it in the least of terms: an eye-opening journey to remember for life. If it wasn't the glimmering green hills, wall to wall, of the Black Hills; seeing the rain and forests in Idaho, the vibrant rays of heat in the further deserts of Utah and the corner of Arizona, it had to be doing that all together. Sure, we did have the absolutely unbelievable opportunities to see sights such as Mount Rushmore (which, by the way, has a completely free admission fee without car now), Crazy Horse Memorial, and Custer State Park; but the most remarkable bit of the whole thing was the scenery, the clouds, and the colors that you could see in so many different places. For me, it was like a dream taking that sort of escape, and all I can be for that point of my life is absolutely, 100% thankful to now have that incredible experience to go back on.
AUGUST & SEPTEMBER: I don't even know what the fuck happened... What I mean by that, is everything after that was as if we were being hit in every angle. While we did have neato stuff now, like our own beds to sleep in; it was as if school became an entirely new entity, and life at home started getting very tough. We truly do our best to make it, but sometimes it's difficult to even find any free time for ourselves. I worry mainly about family stuff, I know; but if you have family, you've definitely got to understand where I'm coming from. The point is that I'm not dead, yet I sort of feel very well on the border between half a person and barely even alive at times. I'll get over it, and it is really rather stupid that I choose to stress myself over such matters; but I simply can't help it.
Besides the stupid drama stuff, I wanted to take the time to let you all know that I haven't stopped drawing or working at all. In fact, that's been occupying my thoughts for the longest time now and I'm really trying to take the time to crack down on it. I'm probably even going to post some stuff for a latest idea I have, but I just want to keep everything on a calm, slow paced level for now so that I can get my stuff done and not stress so much about this. I will attend to my art and toons, but I just need some time, I guess. lol I'M NOT BREAKING UP WITH YOU, WE JUST NEED SOME TIME! xD
Anyways, thank you all so much for being patient and for reading all the way down to this part of the journal. I know I've been bad at updating, and I'll try and make a monthly effort to do so from now on. Progress has been very delayed and fucked up recently, and I really do want to apologize for this. You all have been so kind and supportive throughout all of my endeavors throughout the years, and I just wanted to give a quick thanks to you for that, as well. Each and every one of you matter to me more than even I think I realize at times, and I don't want any of you to think that I think of it as any more or less than that. I care, and I wanted to let you guys know what was up.
Thanks again, and I'll see you guys later!