Hello, and welcome again to another one of my exciting updates and thanks for joining me!... I know it's been a while since I've done one of these, but believe me when I tell you that I'll try to make up for my crumby decisions. Now, you guys want more Emo & Cat? Well, you're getting it! On June 7th, I'm releasing a new comic, so stay cool until then ya hear?... The first comic this season will actually be made by a guest artist with my help, so it's going to be kind of a different style. YOU EXCITED YET?! You guys want Clide & Leo to come already? Well, then I need your help, people. I am currently calling ALL animators that want to help me make my dream possible help me make it possible! I'm being legitimate here, it could mean big opportunities for you and me alike in the future when it's finally released. If you want more information or if you have any questions for me, contact me on DeviantART and I'll try to reply to you as soon as possible with whatever you need. Speaking of Clide & Leo, we are still holding voice auditions for characters in the series, so if you feel like you could be the voice for the face then contact me on DeviantART and I just might tell you where to send me your audio file from there. Oh, anyway...
As many of you DeviantART fans may know already, I have resigned from composing the Bloody Rose soundtrack... Now, I'M STILL doing music for it, but I'm just unfortunately not doing the music anymore. Jazmin understood my situation and everything I've been currently going through, however, so I hope that she can find somebody to do just as great or a better job on the soundtrack then I did... I will be making a couple of final pieces to the OST and I will officially have to stop there. It was a great adventure while it lasted, but unfortunately (like most subjects) some things just have to come to come to an end. I have been trying to work on a few "surprise" character designs for the series, though, so I hope she's stoked about that!... It's been a pleasure writing some music for the series. Thanks for the opportunity, Jazmin, and thanks for all of your guys' support.
You guys know that stupid little idea that I had a little while back called "Barel Demonthorn" that I never got to work on? Well guess what I'm going to make it into in the distant future?... That's right, a movie! Yes, I'm planning on writing the script and coming up with ideas revolving around the topic with Kerwin Thompson (A.K.A. WinWinStudios, [link], Garren Novak (GmannyTheAnimator, [link], and Jazmin Hopkins to give you guys the best 2D animated film that could ever be shown on screen in a few years! If this becomes a real thing, I will just kiss you all in the face for all of the support you have given me in the past... Will Barel Demonthorn be able to become a normal citizen, or will he have to take the thrown as ruler of hell? The answer prevails, but one thing is for sure... I promise that this will not disappoint...
I might be holding more livestreams over the summer considering that schoolwork won't be a problem for me anymore. If you want to follow up on my Livestream, you can try to check out my Livestream here: [link] and check up on any updates up on that page there. Thank you guys so much for your support on my work, it just means so much to me that you guys would think so much of a small minded guy like me and his ideas... Thanks for reading guys, and I'll see you guys later.